Dearly B. Loved
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Monday, December 13, 2010


JACK CUMINS - a true gentleman in every sense of the word and a stalwart honorary member of the Matabeleland Irish Association for many, many years. We were all sad to see you leave Bulawayo as you were the rock of the Association and full of valuable information. You shall be sorely missed our dear Jack. Our sincere condolences to his family and the many friends he has.
Jenny Leach
Matabeleland Irish Association
Mrs Othelia 'Tess' Burke
The service for Tess will be held on Monday 20th December 2010 at 3pm at the St Andrews Presbyterian Church (behind the Hillside Post Office).
Friends please come and share in our goodbye.
Tea will be served in the hall afterwards.

1 comment:

  1. “Through letters and cards, families will be able to hold that friendship in their hands and to read those kind words at a time and place that supports their pace of healing.” I got this condolence message from a friend and it really helps me to go through life. I hope this can also help you. Live life to the fullest in spite of having great pains in your heart.
