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Monday, December 22, 2014

Mercia Hetherington

So sad - was thinking about you and your mother on that day - how my parents talked with you about ballet - a Christmas spent in the rain on our balcony - and  dishes you left me when you went to England - still used.
Never to be forgotten - always in our minds.  Odette and Adrian

Passed away peacefully in Camberley UK on 19 December after a long illness very bravely borne. We would like to say thank you Mer for your inspiration and dedication to Ballet worldwide.  You made a huge impact on so many dancers lives and will live on in our hearts. You are now free Mer to dance with the Angels.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Death Notice

Death Notice: Ralph Clement Thompson - Loving father, grandfather and great-grandfather, passed away on Saturday 6th December 2014 after a long illness bravely borne.  The service to celebrate Ralph's life will be held at the Athol Evan's Chapel at 10am on Friday 12th December 2014.  Friends kindly accept this intimation.

Wdnesday notification

I have just had my car broken into at OG’s, handbag and phone taken.  I should not have left the stuff in the car, but I was only gone for a few seconds.  Anyway…. Please if anyone finds a leather handbag, simple no pockets on outside, and it closes with a magnetic clasp on the inside, it has a mens leather wallet in it, with cards and ID etc. 

It also has some of those pin number things for online banking, 2 of them. 

Another car was robbed at the same time – 2 laptops taken.



7 Shortheath Rd, Chisipite

Harare, Zimbabwe

Tel: +263 4 442521/77

Death Notices

Death Notice: Granny Rene Carey: Ann, Bradley and Sarah Clarke; Shelley, Paul, Dean, Reece and Bryn-Jack Comberbach announce the peaceful passing away of beloved Granny Rene Carey on the 9th December 2014.  Her funeral will be held on Friday 12th December at Nazareth House Chapel at 9am; followed by tea in the Nazareth House dining room.


Memorial Service for the late Kevin Robert Van Staden will be held at 2:00pm Friday,12th December at St Mary Magdalene Chapel, Avondale –off King George Road, into Church Road (opposite Avondale Police Station).

John Trevor Gilbert

Death Notice: John Trevor Gilbert – Beloved husband of Sheila and father of Trevor, Jenna and Jenny, Grandfather and Great Grandfather died peacefully in Devon, UK after an illness bravely borne. Will be sadly missed by Max and Judy, Sharon, Bryony, Bruce, Paul, Jeff and all the family.

Backpack stolen

Just had a backpack thrown over my wall with contents belonging to John Raynor


Anyone looking for it, please contact me. 

Kind Regards,


E: • M: +263 772 290 759 • W:

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Death Notice: MEYBURGH – JOHN BOURCHIER It is with the deepest sadness that we say good-bye to my darling husband, our dearest dad and much loved grandpa. Forever with you - Pat, Noelle, Colleen, Ant, James, Cami, Nicholas, Tristan and Sophie. The memorial service will be held at Arundel School Chapel on Wednesday 12th November at 11.30am.

Death Notices

Death notice - Brian Marsh died peacefully at the Helen Keller Center in Cape Town on Monday 10th November 2014. He will be fondly remembered as a great friend and hunter. Condolences to c/o Gary Bauer

 Death Notice: It is with great sadness that we let you know of the passing of Antony (Tony) Woods (husband of Wendy, father of Pam and James). The memorial service will be held on Friday 14th November at Highlands Presbyterian Church, Enterprise Road at 2 pm. The family has asked that friends come and celebrate his life with them. The service will be followed by tea and snacks. Tel: 04 301959 / 0733 410377. Email:

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Licence plates



This is the most frequently queried subject in recent months.  The legislation is covered by the Vehicle Registration & Licensing Act (Act) and the Vehicle Registration & Licensing Regulations – SI 427/1999 (Regs).  This area is administered by the Central Vehicle Registry (CVR), and can be contacted on (04) 759743/5.


Every vehicle fitted with a windscreen must display the Third Plate behind the windscreen.  (For ease of viewing and roadside safety, we suggest the left hand side of the windscreen).  Trailers and motorcycles must display the Third Plate “in conspicuous position in a waterproof holder”.  (Regs) Section 11 (4).


On the issue of “tampering”: (Act) Section 10 (2) states “An owner of a vehicle who fails to display or maintain his vehicle’s registration mark and number… (is) liable to a fine not exceeding level three” (currently set at $20.00).  In Big Sky’s view, what cannot be argued is the Third Plate located anywhere other than the windscreen, a Third Plate cut from a previous windscreen and stuck to the new windscreen, and any circumstance other than its original state.  However a motorist can legitimately argue where the Third Plate is displayed on the windscreen, is the original Third Plate and has never been moved.  Slight lifting of the edges due to general wear and tear, and exposure to the elements, to our understanding does not amount to “tampering”.


“Where a third plate is lost or damaged, the Registrar may issue a duplicate upon payment of an appropriate fee”. (Regs) Section 10 (7).  “Where the  registration plate is lost or damaged, the Registrar shall allocate a new registration mark and number for the vehicle…” (Regs) Section 10 (8).  Therefore, a Third Plate can be replaced without the need for a new registration number and book, however this is required if the Registration Plate is lost or damaged.


Replacement of the Third Plate costs $35.00 at CVR in Harare, and at post offices in the main centres.  We contacted a few Zimpost offices and were quoted $35.00 by Chinhoyi, Bulawayo, Rusape and Mutare, plus approximately $3.00 for stationery and postage.  The processing period is up to 2 weeks.  Documents required: a CVR4 form, the vehicle registration book and personal ID.  A company letterhead requesting the replacement is required for company owned vehicles.




A motorist can decline to admit guilt by referring to the warning at the top of the Admission of Guilt form (Z.R.P. N.TFC) that provides the option of appearing in magistrate’s court.  However, a good starting point is speaking to the officer-in-charge of the roadblock, who being more senior might treat the issue with discretion and experience.  If not, the motorist can request to speak to the officer-in-charge of the police station from which the roadblock originated.  At all times calm and courteous behavior will contribute significantly to a fair outcome.


If the motorist pays the deposit fine but wishes to take the matter further, when the ZRP member completes the Admission of Guilt form, the motorist should politely request that the Charge (Section and Statutory enactment) field, be completed legibly and with the relevant information.  Motorists with traffic related queries can call the Complaints Desk at Police General H.Q on (04) 754 333, who we have found to be helpful and informative.




Our current Cubby-hole notes (version 9, Oct-14) cover the most frequently encountered issues at checkpoints, and the relevant deposit fines.  This is attached as an easily printed .pdf document, however anybody having difficulty with the document can email us at Updates will be posted on and on Twitter @BigSkySupplies


Acknowledgement: Mr Howard Dean of BIZ Bulletin (Anyone interested in subscribing to BIZ for $90.00/6-months, can contact Howard on


Your readers should find these notes useful; however any comments, corrections or queries are welcome.







The true October weather is with us and doors and windows are open wide to catch a cool breeze blowing for some respite from the heat.   Please do not let your guard down and leave the premises open wide to theft.  Keep all grills across and locked at all times even during daylight hours. Do not open areas that are not being used, and keep alarms activated.  We are all experiencing long tedious power cuts, causing the backup batteries etc. to become flat … It means that generators are running at the maximum every day and we need to keep all security plans in place at all times.

We have a high unemployment rate and if you let your guard down you may well become a victim and a statistic. This is a repeat of what we all know, but to receive a gentle reminder from time to time stands us in good stead.

Theft of gate motors is still a priority and it is a safeguard to have a sensor fitted & connected to your house alarm pad which will activate if disturbed.  Entry is usually over the Dura wall, and takes but a few minutes for the intruder to dismantle, remove and then scarper back over the Dura wall.

 Attempted armed hijacking/robbery  reported as occupants were returning home at night, please be vigilant and have an emergency number to call to raise the alarm, it is good to know your neighbours who may be able to assist so that help can be executed as soon as possible. Do not carry large sums of cash if possible, and do not have any valuables or goods in view. Keep this all out of sight in the boot. 

This is a warning to all residents to be vigilant and security conscious at all times as things are tough and people are desperate. Always be aware of your surroundings when entering your property and try to enter as quickly as possible.  Report any suspicious individuals to the nearest Police Station. Woman on their own are being targeted so it is not advisable to travel after dark alone where possible. These issues have all been raised before, and not said to frighten you but to make you aware and be on your guard.


Let’s ALL fight this crime together  - stay ALERT and SAFE !



Phone : 0772221921 or your nearest Police S


To All Anglers

On behalf of the National Anglers Union of Zimbabwe, we would like to take this opportunity to invite you to participate in an All Species “70” Celebrations event to take place at Charara from on 7-9 December 2014.  

It will be an “All Species“, two man/lady/mixed team event with no pre-baiting allowed. Worms, Platties, live bait, chicken hearts/Livers 500g per day per team will be allowed. The lake will be closed two weeks prior to the event.

There will be no entry fee as such, but we ask each team to bring two identical prizes with a minimum value of $10 per prize. This will ensure that every team will receive a prize. Team registrations will take place at Charara Long Bar on the 6 December between 5 and 6 pm followed by a welcoming dinner.

For catering purposes the first 30 teams entered will receive Caps and Shirts, and all entries in before the 30 November will receive free dinners provided by the National Anglers Union for the duration of the event (4 dinners).

Boundaries will be the top of Zebra Point to the Gorge including the two bay’s before the National Parks office. A small map will be given to you at registration indicating the boundaries. Each team may catch up to 10 of each species for the tournament, scoring factors will be emailed to you once we receive your entry.

Should you accept this invite please email any of the committee members below to get an entry form.

We look forward to many tight lines and a good competition.

Yours in Angling

Denise Rae
National Anglers Union

Denise Rae - <>              Pauline Brine -                                  
Gavin Ferguson -                Wayne Carlsson -    
Rob Mc Kenzie -

taxi services - don't drink and drive

Herewith attached is our updated list of alternate transport options (for pre-booked shuttle services):-

(they will also be posted on the ZIMPACT website & facebook page shortly)

Go Direct 04-581411,


Shumba Shuttle 0772-347897


Shuttle Direct 0773-295475 or 04-701491

(whilst Zimpact endorses these services & every effort has been made to ensure the safety of passengers using these taxis, Zimpact cannot be held responsible for any loss or injury incurred as a result of using such services).

Remember also, the other alternative transport options (to driving drunk!) are:-

-          Designated driver  (it’s your choice & readily available!)

-          “Goodfellas/hire-a-driver” concept : being looked into

-          Reputable taxi service (as against pre-booked shuttle service ): being looked into





Insurance for items left in cars

Please can people be warned there is no insurance cover for theft of items left in an unattended vehicle. Allow me to explain the definition of unattended vehicle.....”Even if a vehicle is securely locked and situated in a “supposed” secure site such as Borrowdale Village or a school car park with security guards in attendance”. The vehicle is still deemed to be unattended i.e. A human being is not actually sitting inside the car.

It baffles me how people can leave valuable items such as laptops, cell phones, camera’s etc in a locked vehicle and then are “totally amazed” to return to their vehicle to notice a window has been smashed and the valuables taken..............It takes about 5 seconds to smash a window, lean inside the car and remove the items. It is no wonder insurance refuses to entertain insurance claims for such instances.

Please people.....wake up ! - there is 90% unemployment in Zimbabwe......surely it is madness to leave items of value inside a car????

Trevor Midlane
Midlane Insurance Services
2 Alveston Avenue
Tel:  870309
Cell: 0772511237

Vehicle registration

The Zimbabwe National Roads Administration will de-register more than

200 000 vehicles if their owners fail to heed a call by the organisation to obtain licenses by the end of this month.


Zinara advised motorists in a statement yesterday to ensure that their vehicles were licensed before the deadline.


“The Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development, the Zimbabwe National Road Administration and the Central Vehicle Registry would like to inform the motoring public that all vehicles that have not been licensed for a period exceeding two years will be de-registered from the CVR registry,” read part of the statement.


“To avoid de-registration of your vehicles, we appeal to our valued motoring public to comply by ensuring that their affected vehicles are properly licensed during the window period running prior to or from Saturday 1 November 2014 to Sunday 30 November 2014.”


Once de-registered, zinara said that re-registration of a vehicle would attract a re-registration fee of $160, a police clearance and settlement of licence arrears.


The de-registration of the vehicles was to be carried out in terms of the Vehicle Registration and Licensing Act Chapter 13:14, section 12 paragraphs (c) and (d).


Part (c) states that the Registrar may cancel the registration of a vehicle that has not been licensed or exempted for two years.


Part (d) states that the Registrar may also de-register a vehicle if he has reasonable grounds for believing that a registered vehicle is no longer required to be registered in terms of Section six.


Last month, zinara revealed that vehicles in the country’s roads had exceeded 1,2 million from 800 000 reported last year, but there was a huge mismatch between vehicles on the road and those that were licensed.


A zinara official yesterday said the number of unregistered vehicles increased everyday.


“On October 31 2014, 160 000 vehicles were unregistered and as from November 1 2014, there are 202 000 unlicensed vehicles on the road,”

said the official.


From Derek Sparrow

I suggest that if there is to be any political solution to the farm seizures by way of compensation or reinstatement or by whatever means the massive Black and White  Diaspora should be urgently mobilised.

The imminent chaotic Mugabe succession issue provides a wider and urgent incentive for the involvement of the exiled citizens which should have occurred at the last election.

I am particularly depressed by the continuous deaths of the farmers mainly in Harare many of whom founded their outstanding commercial farms and contributed to the establishment of the successful agricultural industry. The sad announcements detail their surviving progeny who were born and brought up by their deceased ancestor who imagined that his farm would be inherited by them.

The appropriation of the commercial farms and the wider indigenisation of the other settler enterprises have destroyed the racial cooperation which in half a century created the "jewel of Africa" which Mugabe acknowledged he had inherited in 1980 and which was assessed internationally as an outstanding state.

I believe that an organised Diaspora could demand their citizenship rights and overturn the current predatory and corrupt regime and restore the former racial harmony but time will erode this opportunity.

The White exiles should acknowledge that their persecution lead to the exiling of millions of Black farm workers and persecuted political activists and others who disagreed with the racial and dysfunctional regime.

The Whites have alternative havens and can evacuate which the Blacks lack, most of whom having dependent families at home.

I have a forlorn hope that the current energy, expertise and funds continuing to be applied in pursuit of compensation might be diverted to organising racial combination of the Diaspora leading to the eventual return of the exiles to play predominant roles in the restored "jewel".


Derek Sparrow


Death notices

Death Notice: Jenkins, Sheelagh Mary, (nee Toms) died suddenly in Cape Town on the 25th of October. Gone to join husband Peter and children Tom and Lulu. Rest in peace Mum. Will forever be missed by her daughter Sarah, son-in-law Keith, granddaughters Mandy, Beverley and Lucy and great-grandaughters Ella and Leah. Also her daughter-in-law Estelle, grandsons Michael and David, and great-grandson Blake. Memorial service at Milnerton Methodist Church, Cape Town on Tuesday 4th November at 12 noon. Family can be contacted at .


Death Notice: Jennifer Evelyn Chance : It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Jennifer Evelyn Chance late in the afternoon of the 1st of November in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. Much loved wife of Selby, dear mother to Fergus and Richard, and sister to Sonia and Vera. She bravely fought both breast cancer then acute Leukaemia for nearly two years. If you would like to contact the family please use the following details: Selby +27 72 9242348 -until Friday 7th November, thereafter, +263 778 505025. Fergus +27 72 4412545 -until Friday 7th November, thereafter, +263 772 465071. Richard +27 82 3481551 -until Thursday 6th November, thereafter, +263 783 241690. Sonia +27 82 7742077. Vera +27 82 4681661. There will be a memorial service at St Johns Church in Nottingham Road, Natal at 1100 on Tuesday 4th November. In addition, there will also be a memorial service in Harare on a date to be advised. 

Terrence Michael Oatt

Funeral Notice – Terrence Michael Oatt .( 23.08.1933 – 04.11.2014) Grandfather to Grant, Lisa, Michael, Paula and Katie, Father to Tanya Rawson and Rosalind Millar, Wife to Robin Hilton Barber and latterly to Jane Oatt.  You will be sorely missed dad, but your sense of humour and clever wit will keep our memories of you alive forever. Fly high with the angels dad!! Memorial Service on Saturday 8th November. Phone Ros on 0772 225 815 or

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Missing and wanted

2 Dogs Are Still  Missing  From Their Home on the Borrowdale Road but might have been seen in the Groombridge Shopping Area today. A black Labrador dog and Golden Retriever bitch. Large Reward offered. Please contact Caro Peech 0772 260397


Missing Dog: “Pixie” is a medium sized spayed terrier cross with Jack Russell colourings.  She has gone missing from Ballantyne on Saturday night after fireworks.  Please call Avondale Vets on 339971/2 or Sister Janet on 0773 098 170.  Photo available.  Thank you


Wanted: Good home for 2 dogs. Mack is a purebred Staffy male, black with a white flash, 6 years old and has a lovely nature, desperate to please. Jay is a 2 year old Staffy cross, great guard dog and loves children. We are emigrating and will not have a garden. Please call 0772 600 710

Thursday, October 30, 2014

George Campbell-Johnston

Sadly, this e-mail is to let you all know that

George Campbell-Johnston died on Thursday 23rd November 2014. He was husband to Jane, father to Edward, James and Charles. I have been advised that the memorial service will be held at Wilton Church, Wilton Salisbury on 11 November 2014 at 2 p.m. Confirmation of the service details will be in the newspaper on Tuesday this week.


If you would like to write to the family the address is: Heronswood House, Berwick St James, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP3 4TX and Jane's e-mail address is

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Simann - Ruth

Death Notice: Simann - Ruth ( 25/9/1923 - 27/10/2014). Died peacefully in her sleep last night  in her 91st year at B.S. Leon Home in Harare, Zimbabwe. A Remarkable Woman in her own right.  Deeply Mourned by her son Frank Plesdenat. Contact details:- +263 4 301294 or +263 772 574587.



On Saturday, I found a stray dog outside our house in a close off Winchcombe Road, just off Harare Drive. It was in shocking condition and its entire head and front legs were covered in blood. It was barely moving, but I could see it was still breathing. I phoned the vet at Borrowdale Lane Veterinary Surgery, and was able to collect a vet who came to the house and euthanised the dog. The vet suspected Rabies, so the dog was stored over the weekend in the cold room at the University of Zimbabwe Veterinary Department, and on Monday morning I took it to the Government Vet on Borrowdale Road.  They phoned me late yesterday afternoon to confirm that the dog tested positive for rabies.


The concerning thing is that on examination, the vet found many puncture wounds on the dog, and suspected it had been in a fight with other dogs in the area. Which means that there are now possibly other dogs roaming the Greystone Park area carrying the rabies virus...


Please pass the message on and check your pets vaccinations are up to date!


From  EWdwe

My 6 year old daughter and my husband were attacked by an unknown dog this weekend at our gate. The dog was put down and sent to be tested for rabies and the results came back positive. We all started the Rabies vaccines the day after the incident, Michael Galfand Clinic was amazing. Our doctors rooms and vets have been amazing too.

It has been one of the scariest weeks of my life and i just wanted to use our experience to warn people about rabies. I have spent time this week talking to various people in different areas of the country and it is a terrible outbreak - we are on a farm only one hour out of Harare,in Shamva, but at the clinic they said they have had people in with reports of rabies in Harare too. There are a lot of dogs appearing on the road sides and roaming all over the place so be aware.

With an outbreak like this please please don't pick up any stray animals of any sort and take them into your home, rather report them if you think they are in need.

If you get bitten by an animal you don't know - irrigate the wound with disinfectant as much as you can and get to the doctor to start your vaccines straight away.

Also go and speak to the vet's in your area to help start vaccinating programs and to educate people about how to properly care for their animals and keep rabies vaccines up to date. I know this is nothing new but there is a lot more of it around and communities need to come together on this because it is a horrible thing to have lurking around the people and animals of Zimbabwe.


Take care



Mrs. Nancy Whaley

Death Notice: Mrs. Nancy Whaley, aged 92, passed away in the early hours of Saturday 25th October. There will be a Thanksgiving Tea at Pleasantways at 3p.m. on Friday 31st October for those who wish to join the family in celebrating her life.

Saturday, October 4, 2014



At last! … Spring/ going to Summer have now arrived and we can so goodbye to the winter 2014. This is the time to open wide the windows, doors and have the cool breeze blow thru and remove the winter blues…. This is also the time to take a check on the security of all property.  When entertaining, make sure the rest of the house is secure and locked or alarmed, both doors and windows. It is best to leave access to only one entrance when entertaining so that you can police the traffic in and out of your home.  This is the time for braai’s and el fresco entertaining which means that we have friends and family round frequently, please keep good security in mind.

Have all cars parked inside where possible, and in an area which has adequate bright lighting, with all cars locked and where possible a ‘guard’ to watch the vehicles during this period. Its best to check periodically on this area and the property to make sure all is secure.

Do NOT leave the electric gate unlocked or on manual as this is an invitation for criminals to enter the property. It only takes seconds for these perpetrators to slip through onto the property.

It is foresight to have remote panic buttons on hand during these events, to sound the alarm and have backup help arrive within minutes … it will save valuable time!  

If you are having a large function, please obtain the necessary permission from your Police Station for the event.

The driving has become extremely bad again … please keep to the rules of the road and in the right lanes, especially when turning right.  It seems to be a free for all and let’s see how many lanes of traffic we can make ….This is so dangerous and many unnecessary accidents caused by carelessness and driving without due care and attention. The use of mobile phones is a criminal offense whilst driving unless the correct ‘hands off’ equipment is in use. 

Smash and Grabs are increasing, due to valuable goods left in view, added area is CBD.. Cash is a high risk, do not carry large sums of money around with you, it’s a desperate situation out there ……..


Let’s ALL fight this crime together  - stay ALERT and SAFE !


Phone : 0772221921 or your nearest Police Station.

Safeguard Break in report

In the report this month a few things stand out for us.

-       In Harare gate motors are once again on the list and there have been numerous thefts.

-       The incidents in Harare by large majority are early evening and early morning’s .This emphasizes the need to lock up early.

-       In Bulawayo a return to break in to commercial properties where the alarm is bypassed. This takes inside knowledge of the alarm coverage.

o   Check that your alarm coverage is interlinked /overlapping and that it is will detect entry to your high priority areas.

o   Check that your alarm control panel and signalling equipment is within the zone of  alarm protection to prevent tampering after entry

o   Make sure that it is fitted in a secure area within the premises to prevent tampering during the day by staff or “customers”

-       In Mutare attacks on women and people by themselves is a real concern. Travel in company if at all possible, carry pepper spray and have it to hand.

If you would like advice on your security call your local safeguard branch, or email us at


On 01/09/14, during the night in Highfield area, intruders climbed onto the roof of a building and removed one asbestos sheet, entered the shop, stole cash and a cellphone. The alarm did not trigger because it was not armed. Property has burglar bars.

On 02/09/14 at 05:53hrs in Greendale, intruders jumped over the durawall and entered the yard, stole a gate motor and went away. The alarm did not trigger because the area was not protected by outside sensors. Property has burglar bars, durawall and electric gate.

On 03/09/14 at 05:49hrs in Avondale, intruders jumped over the durawall and entered the yard, went to two vehicles which were parked outside, broke the passage windows, stole car radios from both cars and went away. The alarm did not trigger because the cars were not protected by outside sensors. Property has burglar bars and a durawall.

On 06/09/14 at 18:56hrs in Highlands, intruders jumped over the durawall and entered the yard, stole a gate motor and went away. The alarm did not trigger because the area was not protected by outside sensors. Property has durawall, electric gate and burglar bars.

On 14/09/14 at 12:55hrs in Greendale, an intruder jumped over the durawall and entered the yard, stole a gate motor and went away, the alarm did not trigger because it was not armed. Property has durawall, burglar bars and electric gate.

On 14/09/14 at 17:20hrs in Hatfield, intruders jumped over the durawall and entered the yard, broke 5 padlocks, entered the houses, stole various items and went away. The alarm did not trigger because the client did not arm the system. Property has burglar bars, durawall and electric gate.

On 16/09/14 at 15:27hrs in Meyrick Park, intruders jumped over the durawall and entered the yard, went to a parked vehicle, broke the front passenger side window, stole a laptop and car radio and went away. The alarm did not trigger because there are no outside sensors. Property has a durawall, electric gate and burglar bars.

On 18/09/14 at 10:05hrs in Hillside, intruders jumped over the durawall and entered the yard, went to a shade and stole some items, alarm triggered.  Property has burglar bars, durawall and electric gate.

On 21/09/14 at 22:45hrs in Helensvale, intruders jumped over the durawall and entered the yard, broke a wooden cabin which is not alarmed and stole garden tools and went away. Property has durawall, burglar bars and electric gate.

On 24/09/14 at 06:23hrs in Belvedere, an intruder jumped over the durawall and entered the yard, he was picked by outside sensors, the alarm triggered, he hid behind an outside washing sink, the reaction team apprehended him. Property has a durawall, electric gate and burglar bars.



On the 04/09/2014 at 20:00hrs, a local shop situated at North lea medium density suburbs was robbed at gun point by two unknown robbers. Cash and airtime were taken in the process. The two robbers then got away. The two ladies in the shop pressed their panic button after the robbers had escaped.


On the 08/09/2014 intruders broke into a vehicle sales client and managed to avoid CCTV and sensors but failed to steal anything.

On the 21/09/2014 intruders managed to break through the roof of retail shop undetected by sensors but partially detected CCTV and broke a safe from where the client advises that a reasonable cash amount was stolen.

On the 24/09/2014 intruders broke into Motor Company undetected by the various sensors and outside beams and managed to destroy safe cash was stolen.


On the 30/08/2014 in Nyakamete area at 19:56hrs unknown intruders jumped over the durawall, got into a vehicle canopy and an alert guard spotted the intruders.  The intruders ran away.

On the 02/09/2014 in Morningside area time unknown intruders opened an unlocked door at cottage and stole a cellphone.

On the 05/09/2014 in Murambi area at 01:43hrs intruders forced open a door, the alarm went off.  The intruders ran away.

On 12/09/2014 in the Avenues area at 21:30 hrs two robbers attacked a man and woman within the vicinity of their residence. One robber held the husband with a knife on the neck whilst the second robber dragged the wife screaming, into the bushes. The robbers fled as help arrived.

On 12/09/ 2014 in the Morningside area at 21:57 hrs two robbers attacked a woman entering her gate. The women got out of her car whilst opening her manual gate two robbers suddenly appeared and dragged her into nearby shrubs. She screamed for help and the robbers gave in and ran way.

On 13/09/2014 in the Nyakamete at 04:17 hours intruders forced open door, and the house alarm went off and intruders ran away.

On 15/09/ 2014 in the Nyakamete area at about 0312 hours intruders found their way into a commercial structure and stole one empty drum.

On 15/09/ 2014 in the Murambi area at 1700 hours two robbers attacked a pedestrian walking through a golf course and forcibly took a Samsung cellphone.

On 19/09/2014 in the Nyakamete area between 03:30 hrs and 05:00 hrs intruders found their way into a commercial structure and stole truck batteries.

On 20/09/2014 at about 03:00 hrs in Morningside area intruders forced open kitchen window, entered and stole plasma television and decoder. The house has no alarm.

On 22/09/2014 at about 01:00 hrs in the Morningside area intruders forced open lounge window, entered and stole a plasma television among various household goods. The house alarm was not armed.

On 24/09/2014 between 2100hrs -0600 hrs in the Avenues area intruders found their way into a commercial structure, forced open vehicle door and stole a car radio.

Andre Misiewicz

Memorial Service – It is with extreme sadness that we let you know  Andre Misiewicz passed away unexpectedly in the early hours of Tuesday morning.  Husband to Lucinda and father to Casimir and Isabella, we would like to invite you to celebrate Andre’s life at a memorial service at 2pm on Tuesday 30th September 2014, at the Chisipite Senior School Chapel.  Friends  kindly accept this intimation.

Lift Wanted

Lift Wanted: I am a pensioner and I have just lost my husband and I am looking for someone who has an empty car going to SA I have 3 daxies they are good travellers, and they have all had their necessary jabs and have cages plus myself I would share costs where necessary. All I need is a lift to Jhb or Pta or somewhere on rout and then my daughter would fetch me. email address is and my cell 0771361065 please help I am desperate for my dogs to come to SA as this is all I have that is left from my husband as we loved them dearly. And I can also help in driving.

Death Notice: Ian Thom

Death Notice: Ian Thom: It is with great sadness to inform all of Ian’s friends of his passing on Monday 22nd of September.  There will be a memorial service held on Thursday the 2nd of October at 12.30pm at the Flying Frog, Arcturus Road.  Hope you can join the family.


I estimate there are at least ten rigs each drilling a borehole a day in and around Harare. Not all find water, some probably do. Harare is still growing rapidly. With the thirty- year - old water and electricity infrastructure continually deteriorating, water is likely to become much more expensive before any positive change can possibly come. It seems likely to me nearly all of us will have to make a Plan B sooner or later. There is literature which shows that grey water – from roofs, bathrooms, and tennis courts etc. – plus black water from our own sewage – are workable options. Dave


Surely they should charge the delivery trucks more tax as they are causing a lot of damage & pot holes to the roads. Government should sort out the Municipal water shortage problem. Judy


I am very disappointed in our municipalities / government  that they are unable to supply us with the most basic of human rights --- water !!! I think it is disgusting that we have to buy water but more than this we are now going to be taxed on it !! I am a widow and find it difficult enough to find the money to buy water - let alone another $15 on top of the normal $50 !!! JUST WHO IS GETTING THIS MONEY ANYWAY !!!   I am also disappointed at the total lack of preserving our water supplies  by the residents who are lucky enough to have boreholes !! They constantly water the ground outside their houses xx surely this practice  needs to be discouraged. What is being done about this ??   All I really ask for is the return of our most basic of human rights !!! PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT OUR MUNICIPAL WATER SUPPLIES  Widow without water 


one reality most people miss is that most boreholes, if not all are running via the GRID power supply which naturally means that with the never available electricity (otherwise known as ZESA) most of the private ones are not pumping anything thus the case of diminishing the water table absurd hyperbole. By having to provide an alternative power supply to the boreholes it means that already the borehole owners have taken on an additional taxing, thanks to "human rights". As long as we have this fragmented approach to issues as a country and as a people we have yet to see much more piled on the diminishing pocket. I, for one am on a property that had a borehole sunk mid 90's obviously not as a response to the now normal City Of Harare's issues but rather as a means to manage the garden, pool  and alike without demanding  much from the council, and then to be told that I am to be fined for maintaining that garden is short of comedic. contrary to the Hunter's Dry advert, " Harare City Council Water, it's dry and you cannot drink it"


Whilst we are talking about water, is it possible to ask people fortunate to have working boreholes to , at least,  refrain from watering the verges outside their properties. We have not had municipal water for more than 8 years. We are extremely careful with our water usage and direct grey water into our garden to keep some plants alive. It is selfish and irresponsible to water verges, and usually the tarmac too ,when so many people are simply without water and have to pay increasing prices to buy bulk water.  Regarding City of Harare, it’s time they provide all areas with treated municipal water. Enough of this gross incompetence.


Those of us who have to purchase water every week as I have had no water for 5 years( I have no borehole) from City of Harare, do something positive, the Councillor for my ward has a public meeting on 02/10/2014 where we have been asked to submit a list of what we are not happy with as to the non-performance of the City Of Harare. This new charge will be on my list, and I will inform him of my intention on my next delivery that I will not be paying it and will give my name and address to the supplier so as he may submit the charge to the City Of Harare. He has already intimated that this is government and not C Of H, this time he will be told at the meeting not to hide behind Government and do the job he was elected to do. Paul 


This is completely absurd and outrageous! The govt cannot provide us with water which is a basic human right and now want to ‘tax’ us on a service they cannot provide??? I know of a person who works for one of the Parastatal companies,  the house he  lives in belongs to that parastatal and it happens to have a borehole.........I find it completely and utterly disgusting to see a water tanker in and out of the property all the time collecting water! - the govt has provided this person and his family with a house with borehole water and he then goes on to sell that water to the public and rake in the profits! Who will be monitoring leeches like this? Out of Water and Outraged!


By the way private borehole water is not for free.  Capitol of $4000 ( divide this by how many tankers the buyers have to get to reach this ) and then ZESA to pump it. I still see no ban on the water sellers drawing from WITHIN the municipal area which might help the water table John


This is just 'food for thought '. not sure if your readers are xperiencing same. About 2 wks ago pples smses started to come into. my inbox up to 6 x .The exact same message and sometimes even on different days !!!   Does that mean they are making 50/60 cents off us instead of the usual 10 cents ?? If so they are making a killing. My son also loaded a 5 $ buddy the other day but it just disappeared ¡¡ I havent had time to go in to complain but am. Sarah.

The concern here is not in reality water table, it is another fund raising opportunity. Once more the consumer is asked to bear the financial brunt of it all. As human beings  we are 90% water.

We dehydrate continuously, water is part of our survival. May I ask whose responsibility it is to ensure a supply of potable water to the people. Shame on you who has failed us.

Once upon a time a little lamb went to the river to drink. The WOLF questioned the lamb as to why he was dirtying his drinking water. Mr. WOLF how am I dirtying your water, I am drinking down

river from you? answered the little lamb. The WOLF ate him anyway !!. D. Hydrated 


Some of the suppliers have made it a neat $20 extra. Talk about cashing in.


I wondered when this would happen – and who’s fault is it that one HAS to buy in borehole water in the first place, hey? If City of Harare could/would  supply us with adequate water,  this extra charge wouldn’t have to be necessitated.  OMG they are desperate for money! B


Whilst I wholeheartedly agree that there needs to be regulation of our groundwater resources this approach is purely punitive against those who have no choice but to buy water. I am certain that those of us who buy our water from the bulk operators practice far more efficient water conservation that those who access their water for ‘free’ from private boreholes. The bulk water operators may extract vast quantities at source but I am sure that the number of people serviced per 1000l is far more efficient that the number of people serviced per 1000l from a private borehole! I also guarantee that all of those who respond saying ‘hear hear’ this bulk water extraction is terrible have their own boreholes and have never had to live without water!!! #water is a human right


It is time we started submitting our water costs to the City of Harare for re-reimbursement. We pay rates to have access to piped water regularly.

I think we should design a standard claims sheet that each household that is forced to buy water to submit to the City of Harare.


Bit upset as some operators gone up either 20 to 50 dollars dependent on who you call. Will definitely be shopping around... Kim


please may I make a case for public opposition to this absurd situation.

1)       The taking over of a borehole or 100 boreholes by ‘government’ does not mean any less water is drawn from these sources, it simply means that different coffers get filled

2)       The burden now falls on the residents/users to find more money to pay for what was previously cheaper

3)       Water is a human right and if one option should cost more them that option should not be taken

4)       Water infrastructure is paid for by ratepayers (built in) in their bills so to charge more is a surtax

5)       Commercial water suppliers are doing a job that the authorities have proven incapable of doing.

6)       In effect this surcharge is a tax on the authorities’ incompetence

7)       If commercial operators can do without the extra three dollars per cubic meter then it implied inefficiency if the authorities have to charge the extra amount to provide the same service.



While I understand and agree that we need to protect the water table, this should be done in conjunction with making water available through the dams. This new levy will not reduce the off take of water at all because the people buying it have to do so. It is an extortionate mechanism to raise money. I believe there would be a very strong legal case for this, which even the government would have to accept. Once they have re-commenced delivering water themselves then a levy like this is sensible.  Regards Tony


Personally I am fuming about it.  Why should those of us who are forced to purchase water in bulk be penalized further by being taxed on it?  Do the people in the Ministry of Water really believe we want to spend hundreds of dollars a month on a human rite which should be free???  Please would someone tell me exactly how people having to pay $3.00 per 1000l extra for their water will increase/protect the water table! The only way we are going to start to achieve this is by not building on our precious wet lands and introducing a TOTAL ban on hose pipes and watering of gardens irrespective if it is borehole water or not.  Anyone seen to be watering their gardens should be made to pay a fine that really hurts the pocket.    Those seen to be watering their verges should be fined double!


My two cents on the matter.  Reference the extra water charges.  This is totally and utterly off sides in my opinion.  Who bears the cost at the end of the day!!!! it is me the end user.  And quite frankly if the Ministry would get it right in the first place then we would not have to buy bulk water in order to survive - (water a basic human right) as it should come out of the tap from the municipal line and not from the delivery truck.  So much for human rights - my dog has more rights than I do.!!!! What is water - have not seen it in Glen Lorne for YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yet they still make sure they charge me a monthly set fee of $9.00 a month for not getting any water and they say this charge is for pipe improvements etc - ha ha who are they trying to fool.  Not to mention the pot holes in this area, Grand Canyon has nothing on these.  Oh and lets not forget the monthly $48.25 property tax, again for land improvements - what are they smoking - oh yes!! I forgot!! no water, craters for potholes, no street lights, delayed rubbish collections, desert for a garden, no grass just sand and air full of smoke and ash all equates to LAND IMPROVEMENTS!!!!!! lets tax the people MORE




