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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Anit Hijack report for May



In May we have had reports of smash & grab incidences in the infamous sites around the city.  The lights at Churchill Rd/2nd street extension (Sam Munjoma Rd) still an ongoing happening.  Now that winter is drawing in and its starts getting dark earlier please be on your guard … the thieves are still out there. Keep all valuables out of sight.

Do NOT travel with handbags, laptops, briefcases, mobile phones on the seat next to you or on the back seat, all shopping etc should be put out of sight or in the boot of the car. This you have heard many times……  let’s be security minded and take that extra time to make sure your journey home will be safe.  As the month draws to a close, and people are carrying extra cash, be careful and be alert.  Those who travel in public transport keep your cash well hidden and safe… we have heard of the public being robbed and left stranded at the ranks or on the journey home … this causes a lot of extra trauma/stress which we can all do without.  Cash is the main criteria here, and often a bag or purse will be found dumped with all vital cards etc, if you do happen to find any of this, please contact the person whose name and contact details are on the documents.  To replace ID, drivers licence etc is time consuming and quite a process. Please report incidences to your nearest Police Station as you need proof of them being stolen to replace or claim on them.  


Gate motors, borehole and swimming pool pumps are still being stolen from premises. Keep gates locked at ALL times, brief staff on your security procedure of not open the gate without checking who is waiting to gain access to the property. Do not let any vehicle or persons onto the property without checking their identity first.  If not sure, phone and check before letting anyone on the property.  Keep all doors in parts of the premises not in use locked, and where possible engage the alarm.   To do this ….  ALL alarms, remotes and backup systems must be checked on a regular basis. This will be peace of mind through the winter months.


  Let’s ALL fight this crime together  - stay ALERT and SAFE ! 



Phone : 0772221921 or your nearest Police Station.

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