Dearly B. Loved
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Monday, August 1, 2011

Anti Hijack Trust

July has been a pretty cold month and with the added long power cuts experienced many alarm systems seem to have not been able to recharge fully before the next cut often leaving the premises vulnerable … please check your equipment on a more regular basis for maximum safety.

There has been a report of two men, one young and one very large middle aged cruising around Chisipite/Highlands in a white Corolla looking to steal. NO NUMBER PLATES. The police do know about them. They broke a car window in broad day light and stole a bag outside Bon Marche. Known to ring the gate bell to say they have a delivery. Once on investigating this, the large man whom was standing at the gate and the young man who then got out of the car and took out a crate of whisky and put it on the ground and said they had to deliver it. Upon questioning them they said they would check the address with the company, very shifty. Warn your domestic workers NO deliveries unless this has been specified by YOU ... NEVER open the gate without checking who is there .

 Never allow ANYONE onto your property without verifying their identity, this includes the Police, domestic staff should have a telephone number on which to contact you should they need to.

 Keep gates locked at all times with a STRONG padlock.

A few incidents reported in public car parks outside shopping areas.... be alert and vigilant when parking as you may become a victim .... you may be under surveillance just check your vehicle’s security and that ALL doors are locked and all shopping & valuables are in the BOOT, this only takes a few seconds to do and a wise move in the long run.

Neighbourhood Watch teams have been established in quite a few suburbs around Harare, check in your area and see where you can assist and help the community in your area, we ALL have a part to play in the safety of our families ... do not leave this to just ‘ a faithful few’ we all need to be involved. If we all assist in some small way the time of duty will not come round more than once a month or every six weeks..... this will spread the load more evenly.

Make your area a safe, as crime free as possible suburb to live in ..... YOU will make a difference!

Let’s ALL fight this crime together - stay ALERT and SAFE !


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