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Monday, October 12, 2015




Further to the below update sent 21/9 on the suspected poisoning of 2 Elephants weekend of the 20th Sept.


The samples taken from the first 2 Elephants for analysis were sent through to AWARE Trust Veterinarians and MAPP, who were traveling to Harare, kindly took them through.


AWARE trust collected the samples and they were taken to the University of Zimbabwe for testing.


The testing was confirmed positive for cyanide on both Elephants.


The orange removed with stomach content from the 1st Elephant found at the dumps also tested positive for cyanide.


Parks and Wildlife have the relative information and a copy of the Analysis of the tissue samples from UZ.


The following Sunday 27/9 Parks & KAWFT received a report of a 3rd Ele down near the dump site.


This boy had been dead a few days already. No samples were taken from him due to the length of time the Elephant had been dead as the carcass had swollen to double the size due to the heat.


The relative Law Authorities have picked up a number of people for questioning regarding the finding of cyanide and are working hard to establish who was involved in these savage and despicable killings. We will advise updates as the Law Authorities continue and complete their investigation.


Many thanks to  Aware trust for assisting with the urgency of these samples and for covering the testing costs, MAPP for their great assistance and work as well as Bumi who assisted with the Authorities on a search.


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