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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The roof of the dance studios collapsed on Sunday 30 October, 2011. Unfortunately this disaster was not covered by the Dance Trust of Zimbabwe's insurance policy.

Since then we have been fund-raising and we thank everyone, who has contributed in any way at all.

We have raised sufficient funds to start Phase 1 of the reconstruction exercise and hope to commence in the near future.

Phase 1 will replace the roof but we will not have a ceiling and lights and the broken windows, mirrors and ballet barres will not have been replaced. There will not be a partition between the studios and the floor, which was damaged when the roof collapsed, will not be useable.

Work will stop when Phase 1 has been completed until further funding is secured.

We will continue with fund-raising activities until the reconstruction has been completed. If anyone wishes to contribute, they should phone 336776 during office hours or come to the Ballet Centre, 109 East Road, Avondale.

The dancers have to "Keep on dancing" so we have had to look for alternative accommodation.

The board of Twin Rivers School has very kindly allowed the National Ballet Company to hold its weekly classes in their hall.

REPS Theatre has assisted with space whenever they have been able to do so.

Lyfestyle studio at14 Epping Road, Mt Pleasant has also offered studio space for rehearsals.

We will be needing space very soon if we are to stage shows in HIFA 2012.

The Tumbuka dancers are using M&M Dance Factory's studio in Borrowdale.

The Ballet Centre is the hub of Dance in Harare so it is imperative that it is up and running as soon as possible.

We hope that the reconstruction exercise will not take too long and that it will be possible to stage our annual outdoor event, "Starlight Dancing" i the garden at the end of September as usual.


Thank you

Yours sincerely

Eve Stranix


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