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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Big Sky Supplies Fire extinguisher session/Rifa fund-raiser


Fire Wall will support Big Sky in the fitment and servicing of 1kg and 1.5kg fire extinguishers. The proceeds will be shared evenly between Fire Wall and Rifa Conservation Education Centre, Chirundu.
Scheduled for Saturday, 30th November: 08:30 to 12:30.
Fire Wall’s contribution:
Two teams
Two sets of drills with electric cabling, drill bits, fasteners.
Materials to service units
Big Sky’s contribution:
Generators with fuel
Manpower (the Lind's) to receive the cash and maintain a record of services
Stocks of 1kg and 1.5kg for sale
10 x 1kg as exchange units
Price structure:
Fitment: Cost to customer $5-00, with 50/50 split between Fire Wall and Rifa.
Service: Cost to customer $5-00, with 50/50 split between Fire Wall and Rifa.
Refills: Cost to customer $10-00, all proceeds to Fire Wall. To be done at Fire Wall’s Graniteside premises. (Big Sky will issue exchange units). Fire Wall to assist with the return of refilled units to Big Sky.

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