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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Aware Trust

PLEASE BE AWARE!   AWARE Trust not only provides quality veterinary care and rehabilitation to sick or injured wild animals, especially those that have been injured directly or indirectly by human activities, it also seeks to raise AWAREness of veterinary and ecological threats to wildlife species and habitats which includes important disease testing and prevention and vital research programs.  Additionally, in local rural communities bordering on Wildlife Parks, AWARE performs free small animal sterilisation campaigns, including vaccination, de-worming, basic health care and education.  Wildlife diseases, such as rabies, can affect domestic animals as well as humans.  AWARE needs to carry out more such campaigns as soon as possible.  Our animals need us all to care and AWARE needs your help in its efforts to make a difference.  AWARE’s work is carried out pro-actively by local, dedicated vets on a pro-bono basis but they need your support.  AWARE needs donations in cash or kind.  If you prepared to help and make a donation please contact Tracey Hugill on 0772261079 or on .  Visit our Website    "Like" AWARE Trust Zimbabwe on facebook!

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