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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Telephone accounts

If you have a problem with your telephone account contact either Mrs Nyakudya or Mrs Manyanga (i/c) at the main post office in town (1st Floor). They are very helpful and just want you to tell them how you plan to pay your telephone account - this must be paid by 22nd May,2009. We owed them $800 and paid them $200 now promising to pay the balance on 22nd May, 2009. They want you to put it down in writing as a 'contract' stating when you will pay the balance. Then they will reconnect you straight away

1 comment:

  1. Entertainment Weekly wrote a great article about the parody, 'A Truly 'Awesome' Laday Gaga Parody,' in the April 16th issue, but I can't find it online. Curious.ip pbx
