Dearly B. Loved
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Friday, July 10, 2009

Vaughn- Evans Bob

Vaughn- Evans Bob

Dear Jean, I am so sorry to hear of Bob's death and the attack on you. Bob was a good man and an excellent boss whose mind and energy made him an inspiration to me. I shall always cherish the memories of driving around with him, he jumping enthusiastically out of the car and somehow getting over the barb wire fences. As he walked Bob would see things in the veldt that others missed but which were indicators that the high density short duration grazing worked.

And then there the extraordinary patience with farmers and his very deep feel for the land and the nation. Many of the lessons he taught me about people have remained with me all through my life.

A good man.

May his soul rest in peace.

Tim Neill

1 comment:

  1. Can anybody help me to make contact with Claire ("Sugar") Bresler, married to Dr Rob Dyer (?), daughter of Jean Vaughan-Evans. I was at school in Que Que with 'Sugar' and was horrified to learn of this tragedy.
    Thank you
    Viv Craig, nee Bowker
