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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Drinking and Driving

HI All, It’s Wednesday night – mid week party time for all the young “Adults” – Parents all over town dread this time of our kids lives and the drink driving freedom they all think they have. Is it not time that a few of us teamed up and encouraged the likes of these 2 guys? (see first comment below)
We need urgent answers NOW – Sarah Fox( has also set up a group called Zimpact to discuss ways forward in this regard– Mike G
Taxi Service: We have actually been thinking about doing this for a while and the email above has prompted us to come forward and make an offer. After losing a close friend last weekend in a car accident we would like to offer a potential ‘life saving’ service. We are two young responsible males that are tired of the loss of young lives on the roads and would be willing to drive these youngsters around/home. Can we put this offer out to the parents and get feed-back on how they would like to see this work. What are the curfew times if any given? i.e. how many lift runs per hour? How many would want their children collected to go out as well as returned home. How would payments work? It obviously makes sense to fill the bus so how can we get this to work for us all? Let’s hear from the parents now?
My family is involved in a restaurant which does not serve alcohol. It never ceases to amaze me that families often come in and then leave, once mum and dad have realised that the restaurant has a 'no alcohol' policy. Not only is the media making alcohol cool, but parents are also sending subliminal messages to their children by, for example, not being able to have a meal without a glass of wine on hand, or supposedly not being able to have fun on outings like fishing trips without booze (and plenty of it too!). The message: No alcohol = no enjoyment! Lets wake up and smell the coffee!  Arrive Alive!
Another problem is the example being set by adults with their children. I was at a function on Sunday where there were a great many adults and a great many under-16 children. All the adults were drinking wildly and there were no ‘responsible drivers’ to take them all home. If the children become accustomed to adults drinking and driving why would they do anything different. And the schools don’t teach them that this is wrong, either. We need to change behaviour all round, starting with the learning by example!
I am a mother of two boys, they are both still very young but I believe that it is important to start teaching them about responsibility and cause and effect from a young age. Every action has a reaction and all that. I believe I am a responsible parent and I know that at least ONE of the recent teenage deaths has been the son of a responsible parent just like me.
It was a drunk driver in a separate vehicle who killed her son!!! The police are far too busy trying to fine people for not having a ZBC license and they seem incapable of handling more than one task a year so maybe it's time for the public to start getting involved. I love the idea of naming and shaming! We are a very proud nation and some people get away with murder. If everyone driving out there took the time to remember the license plates and the description of people breaking the law and then reported it both to the police but also to public forums like your news letter perhaps people would start thinking twice. Fed up of nothing being done.
In my opinion, and it's only my opinion, I don't think it's the car that's the problem. It's the DRINKING AND DRIVING that is the problem. I remember when I was younger and my friends' older siblings went out, they ALWAYS had a designated driver, and that meant not even one drink for them. I really admired that. But no one seems to do that anymore. I feel that it would make such a difference if people were serious about this and assigned someone as driver for the night. You don't have to drink to have a good time with your friends. But as we all know, things can get out of hand. This is where the designated driver saves the day/night. Just a thought.
Yes with regard drunk driving and other mis-deeds, I agree the parents are very much to blame.  It brings back memories of an old  record from the seventies – cant remember the artist – title being “ DON’T BLAME THE CHILDREN” – makes interesting listening.
Drink Driving- I totally agree with the person who said it's almost frowned upon if you don't drink. Being a "youngster" myself and a non-drinker people often make snide comments when I say I don't drink , it's almost like they are implying that you can't have fun when you don't drink, at least I know I will get my friends and I home safely!! There are far too many people (young and old alike) who without a second thought jump into a car drunk as skunks or with a driver who is the same! Don't people learn from past accidents! ??It's very sad I must say!! - Hope for the Future.

1 comment:

  1. we as the healthcare providers Zimbabwe see the outcome of most of our road trffic accidents and have made a proposal to to start workshops for our senior schools, we are in the process of approaching highschools such as Chisipite, St Johns, St Georges and many other high schools, we will be starting a community Medic service posted at night clubs in Harare, these will ensure that drivers of most vehices are checked before they even get to their vehicles, we will be working in connection with ZRP to ensure that we as medics are enforcing what we have set out to do. We strongly advise that ZIMPACT are in full support of our view on the situation we face. thanks
