Dearly B. Loved
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Friday, April 4, 2014


It is with great sadness that I have learned through my son, Beck, who with his wife and two children still lives in Harare, of the death of Strath Brown. It was while I was with the Tourist Board 1964-1973 that we first met. Two young men from National Parks, Rob Gee and Dave Higgins, came seeking advice on establishing a crocodile Ranch at Victoria Falls . Because of the waiting time of at least four years between the hatching of crocodile eggs and skin harvesting the project was impossible without capital input and an auxiliary source of income.  It was Strath who recognised the potential and came to their rescue and sponsorship. On leaving the Tourist Board I was invited by s group of Karoi farmers to enter a venture close to my own heart, a resort at Matetsi when I saw more of Rob and we became great friends. Unfortunately the resort did not survive "post war" and I had to look elsewhere. I was inveigled by the lessee of the Rainbow Hotel to go there as manager when there was a subplot to liquidate it only a short while after. But during the three months we were there late 1983, Strath graced us with his patronage, bringing large groups for dinner. I continued at the falls for two years as Secretary for the Town Council. This was followed by positions in Chinoyi and Masvingo   In the nineties when spending a holiday in Inyanga, I recall  meeting up with Strath at the Troutbeck supermarket  My wife Norna, as editor of a newspaper, was arrested in 2003 and after six months of in and out of court, we regretfully felt we had to leave and have made our new home here in Devon, UK

Strath was a great man and I am proud to have known him        Trevor and Norna Edwards

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