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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Spam notification from Iway Africa

Recently there has been an increase in spam emails purporting to come from iWayAfrica. These emails request that you submit your username, password and various other details for reasons such as upgrading our database, or to prevent suspension of your account. These notifications are a hoax and can result in your machine being compromised. Please do not reply with your details to these emails. Your password is a security feature for your account and use only. The only time we may require your password is when you contact us for support.
We do have advanced intelligent spam filters which last week alone picked up and blocked 898,425 spam emails, however there is a learning process for the filter which may result in you receiving the occasional spam.  
If you have unwittingly already given out your password or need to change it at any time, you can do so by sending a password change request to or contacting our call centre on
(04) 25 33 33 for assistance.

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