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Friday, January 31, 2014

Calling all commercial farmers no longer in Zimbabwe

Calling all Commercial farmers who are no longer living in Zimbabwe.


Wherever you are, whatever you are doing or whatever your circumstances, I think the following will be of intense interest.


One of the many tragedies of the forced emigration of skilled families from their homes and the loss of their livelihoods is that most of us haven't the faintest idea where we all are and how we have adjusted to our new domiciles. Fourteen years is a long time and memories started to fail well before.


The only organisation that probably has the most information about us is JAG, added to the fact that they care which is a great deal more than can be said of the others. So it is they to whom we have turned.


David Sandeman, ex mover and shaker for ZTA members and now living in England, has written to me for help, saying that he will be taking over the Chairmanship of The Zimbabwe Farmers Trust (ZFT) which was set up by George Campbell Johnson and others to identify and possibly assist displaced farmers from Zimbabwe who were forced to leave.


David is now looking for this: firstly to find where we are now living but mainly to establish a network of reputable representatives in the various countries to identify families or individuals that might need a helping hand.


The funds are in place but they have to be used with discretion, the main benefit perhaps is knowing that there are people and organisations that still really care.


So if you read this, as you will I am sure, on JAG's newsletter, please contact David now by e-mail at giving your physical address and full telephone number and copying it to John Worswick of JAG and to me at and leave the rest to us. (However do feel free to tell us more.)


One last thing, as Columbo used to say, and this is important. You may know of ex Zimbabwean farmers close to you or wherever who are NOT on the JAG address list. Please include these for John to contact as I know that there is a small subscription which would be handy for him to help run his excellent service.


We look forward to an overwhelming response.


Thank you


Richard Winkfield, 15,Toop St. Havelock North, 4130 (which is in Hawkes Bay, New Zealand), tel.06 877 4718


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