Dearly B. Loved
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Monday, January 20, 2014

Damage to Kariba Property

A group of people rented our house at Lomagundi Lakeside, Kariba, over the past New Year.  17 people (names noted) took over our home and proceded to abuse it, breaking lampshades amongst other items, as well as actually smashing down one of the doors.  Although some attempt was made to rectify the damage, this is not the point, as it should not have happened in the first place.  These people were not young school-leavers, they were men and women between the ages of 20 and 30 years.


We know that people will say “ don’t tarnish all Zimbabwean youth with the same brush” – we are not, most Zimbabwean youngsters and their friends and associates are great people, but these weren’t. “ It was high jinks” – it was not, it was deliberate malicious damage to property and total disrespect.


The purpose of this letter is not to make these people feel bad, as people of this calibre would not care less.  It is to warn others to be careful when renting out their holiday homes and houseboats to strangers.  Make sure that proper checks are carried out (generally, everyone knows everyone in Zimbabwe so you just have to ask around). ALSO, it might be a good idea to start a blacklist that people can refer to before accepting bookings.



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